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Fight Old Cells and Stay Young!

Beauty and Health Advisory Board May 22, 2024 0 comments


What are “zombie” cells?

When cells become old or dysfunctional, they’re supposed to die off to make room for new cells. But as we age, many cells become senescent instead, also referred to as “zombie cells”.

We experience an increased interest in supplements for fighting such senescent cells.

Fisetin – an exceptionally powerful nutrient

For decades, scientists have searched for nutrients that can slow degenerative ageing processes. Studies show that compounds called senolytics can remove senescent cells and slow down or even reverse aging processes!

The flavonoid from plant extract fisetin is found to be a very efficient senolytic and shown to:

– Clear away defective cells and allow healthy cells to thrive
– Improve outcomes in people who have suffered strokes
– Help prevent malignant changes in cells
– Help fight obesity and type II diabetes
– Increase levels of glutathione, the body’s master detoxifier and a free-radical scavenger
– Prevent toxic brain deposits and reduce chronic inflammation (which contributes to brain diseases)
– Promote memory and learning by increasing CREB, a critical component of memory formation
– Protect against cognitive dysfunction and neurodegenerative disorders.
Why choose Life Extension Bio-Fisetin?

Fisetin has loads of health benefits. But fisetin in itself is rapidly broken into various metabolites by the enzymes in your digestive system. Bio-Fisetin is fisetin combined with galactomannan compounds from fenugreek seeds. 

Doing so protects fisetin during digestion. Bio-Fisetin is up to 25 times more bioavailable than standard fisetin supplements. Meaning it lasts longer and works longer for your system.


Source: Life Extension Europe